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About us

"Saint Gregory the Illuminator" State Medical College was founded in 2007.

At the time of its foundation, the college implemented secondary professional educational programs in "Nursing", "Midwifery", "Pharmacy" and "Medical Cosmetology" specialties.

At the moment, in addition to the mentioned professions, the college also implements educational programs in the field of "Organization of Nursing" and "Pharmacy" by distance learning.
In addition to the mentioned educational programs, the college has the right to implement additional short-term educational programs in "Manicurist", "Nanny" and "Massage" professions.
Admission is carried out on a general basis, according to the procedure approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.
The educational process is carried out with programs that meet international standards.
Graduates of the State Medical College of "Saint Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, after receiving diplomas, have the right to immediately go to work, both in the Republic of Armenia and in foreign medical institutions.

The college cooperates with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the National Institute of Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, the hospital, polyclinic, maternity hospital, pharmacy and other departments of the "Saint Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, as well as the Yerevan State Base medical college, regional state medical colleges, "Chemistry-Pharmaceutical Firm" OJSC, "Asteria" pharmacy chain, "Republican Center for Humanitarian Aid" SNOC, Armenian Red Cross Society, "AKG" pharmacy chain, "E.S. Gevorgyan" LLC and other interested professional organizations. The teaching staff consists of professional lecturers, more than 10 candidates of sciences. Practical classes are conducted by persons with long-term professional experience. The college is replenished day by day with professional literature, necessary technical means for teaching, and laboratory equipment. The college has a student council, which actively implements various patriotic, cultural and youth events. The student council is a student organization operating in the college, which is a self-governing, elective representative body of the college students and represents their friendly interests. State Medical College "Saint Gregory the Illuminator" College is a medium professional educational institution, the main mission of which is to train such specialists who, with their knowledge, abilities and practical skills, will adequately respond to the existing challenges with appropriate actions, will support the development and establishment of the RA economy. One of the most important upcoming programs of the college is the implementation of continuous education and training of the average medical staff with additional educational programs. For the first time in the Republic of Armenia, the subject "Combat program from military medicine" was introduced in our college. We intend to create the best nursing and emergency care simulation labs. State Medical College "Saint Gregory the Illuminator" strives to become a national and international secondary professional educational institution, which • Strives to develop its priority directions and competitive advantages: to integrate the special approaches of modern medicine, investing them in educational activities, ensuring the transfer of knowledge to various stakeholders. • There will be an accessible, affordable and preferred secondary professional educational institution for the most diverse strata of society, regardless of age, gender, race and ethnicity, beliefs and political preferences. • It will have effective management and administration, educational and laboratory base, will contribute to the constant and continuous improvement of the quality of education. • Takes measures to make educational processes more effective and diverse. Most college graduates are employed by various medical facilities. About 15-20% of graduates continue their education in higher educational institutions.

Our goals

Within the framework of the reforms of the healthcare system of the Republic of Armenia, in accordance with the modern development requirements, the provision of high-quality specialized medical care and service services to the population, the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population through the implementation of the achievements of medical science and economic mechanisms. Quality implementation of the full cycle of medical services: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation is a priority for us.

Overhaul of the State Medical College.
Complete re-equipment.
Comprehensive digitization of internal processes.
Upgrading existing services and introducing new services․
Continuous training of all staff and recruitment of new specialists․
Strengthening international relations and increasing scientific potential․

Our Vision

To become the best state medical college in the Republic of Armenia within the next five years.

Our Mission

Ensuring access to high-quality learning for every student․

Our Tasks

The strategic goals underlying the activity of «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» State Medical College derive from the global mission and vision of «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center․ Those goals correspond exclusively to the values and principles that also underlie the organizational culture. Our values and principles are transparency and reliability, professionalism and attentiveness, responsibility and hard work, self-criticism and availability of services, continuous education and development, scientific work and international recognition, the formation of a corporate culture and systems thinking. To achieve strategic goals, we have set ourselves the following tasks:
Overhaul of College.
Continuous provision of comprehensive knowledge to students.
Creation, maintenance and improvement of satisfactory working conditions by constant training of highly qualified specialists and staff and involvement in education quality management processes․
Acquisition of modern medical equipment, use of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Implementation of the management system and medical quality control in accordance with the requirements of the international standards․
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