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Price list

Medical Center icon
Hospital Treatment
Ultrasound Examinations
Endoscopic Examinations
X-Ray Examinations
Computed Tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Cardiovascular Examinations
Neurophysiological Examinations
Examinations of the Respiratory System
Ophthalmic Examinations
Puncture and Histological Examinations
Urological Instrumental Examinations
Instrumental Examinations of Otolaryngology
Pediatric Instrumental Examinations
Basic Tests
Coagulation Tests
Biochemical Tests
Iron Metabolism Tests
Diabetes Tests
Thyroid Tests
Pregnancy Screening
Immune Status and Autoimmune Tests
Infectious Tests
Microbial Identification and Susceptibility Testing
Urgent and Emergency Medical Care Reception
Hemodialysis Department
Anesthesiological Department
Chemotherapy Service
Rehabilitation Service
Pathology Department
Blood Bank and Transfusiology Service
Separate - Special Wards
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Preliminary consultation of a medical specialist 10000 ֏
Extended consultation of a medical specialist 15000 ֏
Consultation of the head of the department or the head of the service 20000 ֏
Consultation of the Chief Specialist 25000 ֏
Hospital conservative treatment: 1 day's price 50000 ֏
Complete blood count (CBC) with differential 3000 ֏
Blood Gas Test (BGT) 2000 ֏
Blood typing (ABO group, Rh type) 2000 ֏
Blood typing (ABO group, Rh type) (ORTHO) 6000 ֏
Rhesus, Phenotype (ORTHO) 5000 ֏
Blood typing, Phenotype, Rh type (ORTHO) 10000 ֏
Blood compatibility testing (ABO group, Rh type) 6000 ֏
Urinalysis 2500 ֏
Urinalysis (+sediment) 3500 ֏
Cerebrospinal fluid cytosis 1500 ֏
Microscopic examination of urogenital smears 3000 ֏
Spermogram 5000 ֏
Coprogram 4000 ֏
Fecal occult blood test 4000 ֏
Helminth eggs 4000 ֏
Cytological examination of fluid of serous cavities (pleural, pericardial, abdominal) 10000 ֏
Prothrombin time (INR) 2000 ֏
APTT (Activated partial thromboplastin time) 2000 ֏
Fibrinogen 2000 ֏
D - Dimer 10000 ֏
Protein C 10000 ֏
Protein S 10000 ֏
Antithrombin III 7000 ֏
Lupus anticoagulant 5000 ֏
Glucose 1000 ֏
Glucose in cerebrospinal fluid 1000 ֏
Total protein 1500 ֏
Total protein in 24-hour urine 3000 ֏
Total protein in cerebrospinal fluid 1500 ֏
Albumin 1500 ֏
Ceruloplasmin 5000 ֏
Creatinine 1500 ֏
Urea 1500 ֏
Uric acid 2000 ֏
Total bilirubin 1000 ֏
Direct bilirubin (related) 1000 ֏
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 1500 ֏
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 1500 ֏
Alkaline phosphatase 2000 ֏
Gamma-glutamyl transferase 1500 ֏
Creatine phosphokinase 3000 ֏
Amylase total 2000 ֏
Diastase 2000 ֏
Lactate dehydrogenase 1500 ֏
Lactate 3000 ֏
Total cholesterol 1500 ֏
HDL cholesterol 1500 ֏
LDL cholesterol 1500 ֏
Triglycerides 2000 ֏
C-reactive protein (CRP) 3000 ֏
Rheumatoid factor 3000 ֏
Antistreptolisin-O (ASL-O) 3000 ֏
Homocysteine (HCY) 15000 ֏
Potassium 1500 ֏
Sodium 1500 ֏
Calcium total 1500 ֏
Calcium ionized 1500 ֏
Magnesium 2000 ֏
Inorganic Phosphorus 2000 ֏
Iron 2000 ֏
Iron 2000 ֏
Ferritin 6000 ֏
Transferrin 5000 ֏
Vitamin B12 8000 ֏
Glucose 1000 ֏
Glycated hemoglobin 6000 ֏
C-peptide 5000 ֏
Insulin 7000 ֏
Insulin Index/HOMA IR 8000 ֏
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 6000 ֏
Free T4 6000 ֏
Free T3 6000 ֏
Antibodies to thyroglobulin (Anti-TG) 7000 ֏
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (Anti-TPO) 7000 ֏
THS receptors autoantibodies 12000 ֏
Parathormone 7000 ֏
Thyroglobulin 7000 ֏
Pregnancy associated plasma protein (PAPP-A) 10000 ֏
Free β-human chorionic gonadotropin 8000 ֏
Total human chorionic gonadotropin 6000 ֏
Alpha-fetoprotein 6000 ֏
Estradiol 6000 ֏
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 6000 ֏
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 6000 ֏
Prolactin 6000 ֏
Dihydrotestosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) 6000 ֏
Testosterone total 6000 ֏
Cortisol 7500 ֏
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 12000 ֏
Procalcitonin 20000 ֏
Total PSA 6000 ֏
Carcinoembryonic Antigen 6000 ֏
Сancer Antigen 125 7500 ֏
Сancer Antigen 15-3 7500 ֏
Сancer Antigen 19-9 7500 ֏
Alpha-fetoprotein 6000 ֏
Total human chorionic gonadotropin 6000 ֏
Thyroglobulin 7000 ֏
Vitamin D 10000 ֏
Vitamin B12 8000 ֏
Immunoglobulin A / IgA 3000 ֏
Immunoglobulin G / IgG 3000 ֏
Immunoglobulin M / IgM 3000 ֏
Immunoglobulin E / IgE 6000 ֏
Complement C3 3000 ֏
Complement C4 4000 ֏
Anti-citrulline antibodies (A-CCP) 10000 ֏
Antinuclear antibody (ANA screen) 7500 ֏
Antibody to ds-DNA 7500 ֏
Anti-Cardiolipin antibodies IgM 7500 ֏
Anti-Cardiolipin antibodies IgG 7500 ֏
Anti-β2-Glyco-IgM 7500 ֏
Anti-β2-Glyco-IgG 7500 ֏
ANCA Pro 25000 ֏
Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) 6000 ֏
HCV Antibodies 6000 ֏
Anti-HBsAg 6000 ֏
HIV Ag/Ab Combo 6000 ֏
Syphilis (TPHA) 2000 ֏
EBV (VCA) IgM 6000 ֏
Rota/Adeno 6000 ֏
Streptococcal test (Strep A) 5000 ֏
Brucella antibodies IgG 6000 ֏
Brucella antibodies IgM 6000 ֏
Brucella (Heddleson's reaction) 3000 ֏
Borrelia antibodies IgG 6000 ֏
Borrelia antibodies IgM 6000 ֏
Herpes I,II antibodies IgM 6000 ֏
Acute respiratory viruses - group A and B (Influenza A/B) rapid test 6000 ֏
Covid-19 antigen (Covid-19 Ag) rapid test 6000 ֏
Express microbiological examination of blood sterility (aerobic, anaerobic) 35000 ֏
Microbiological examination of urine by express method 35000 ֏
Microbiological examination of urine in the classic way 10000 ֏
Microbiological examination of feces by express method 35000 ֏
Bacteriological examination of feces in the classic way 10000 ֏
Microbial examination of stool dysbiosis by express method 35000 ֏
Bacteriological examination of fecal dysbiosis in a classical way 10000 ֏
Microbiological examination of a biological sample by express method 35000 ֏
Microbiological examination of the specimen in the classical way 10000 ֏
Microbiological examination of biological samples in the classical way (aerobic, anaerobic) 20000 ֏
Detection of Yersinia in a biological sample (blood, urine, feces) by express method 35000 ֏
Detection of Yersinia in a biological sample (blood, urine, feces) by the classical method 10000 ֏
Treatment in the intensive care unit: 1 day's price 100000 ֏
ICU treatment: 1 day's price starting on the 16th day 50000 ֏
Treatment in intensive care unit: 1 day's price from day 31 onwards 30000 ֏
Palliative care in the intensive care unit: 1 day's price 50000 ֏
Sonography 1 section (lymph nodes, thyroid gland, breast, lung, pelvis, testicle) 10000 ֏
Sonography of the abdomen and pelvic organs 15000 ֏
Sonography of the symphysis pubis 20000 ֏
Sonography: panoramic։ musculoskeletal system 20000 ֏
Sonography of a pair of joints with evaluation of the synovial tissues 25000 ֏
Sonography: pair of joints: 2 systems 40000 ֏
Sonography: pair of joints: 2 systems after 1 month (dynamics) 15000 ֏
Duplex examination: 1 section 15000 ֏
Duplex examination: 2 sections 25000 ֏
Duplex examination: 3 sections 35000 ֏
Duplex examination: between 18:00 and 09:00 25000 ֏
X-Ray of the chest, abdominal organs, small and medium bones and joints - 1 section 12000 ֏
X-Ray of large bones and joints - 1 section 15000 ֏
X-Ray with clearance - 1 section 18000 ֏
X-Ray: 1 section with 3 projections 18000 ֏
X-Ray: specific: 1 segment 18000 ֏
X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract 20000 ֏
X-Ray of the spine along its length 30000 ֏
Intravenous urography (cost of contrast material not included) 20000 ֏
Irigography (cost of contrast material not included) 15000 ֏
Ureterography (cost of contrast material not included) 10000 ֏
Fistulography (cost of contrast material not included) 12000 ֏
Interpreting an X-Ray examination performed at another medical center with the provision of a written report 10000 ֏
X-Ray SLOT radiography with 1 projection 25000 ֏
X-Ray SLOT radiography with 2 projections 40000 ֏
X-ray SLOT radiograph: complex examination of the spine (SLOT radiograph with 1 projection and lateral images of 3 spinal segments) 50000 ֏
X-Ray plain contrast 5000 ֏
X-Ray complex contrast 10000 ֏
Provision of X-Ray digital tape 10000 ֏
Mammography 10000 ֏
Computed tomography: 1 section 40000 ֏
Computed tomography: 2 sections 60000 ֏
Computed tomography: 3 or more sections 80000 ֏
Computed tomography of an additional 1 section 20000 ֏
Computed tomography of the larynx, orbits, temporal bone 20000 ֏
Computed tomography with low radiation of the lungs 25000 ֏
CT coronary angiography with Ca Scoring (cost of contrast agent not included) 60000 ֏
CT-aortography (the cost of contrast material is not included) 60000 ֏
Computed tomography - Stroke format (low-radiation chest scan, CT-angiography of the vessels of the head and neck) (cost of contrast material is not included) 60000 ֏
CT-Perfusion 110000 ֏
Application of CT contrast material 30000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: 1 section 50000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: 2 sections 90000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: 3 sections 130000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: 4 sections 170000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging of an additional 1 section 40000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain using an additional mode 60000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland (the cost of contrast material is not included) 35000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging of hip joints 60000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging using cholangiographic or urographic modes 65000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging with additional mode (Perfusion) 25000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging with additional mode (Cholangiography) 40000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: hysterosalpingography 80000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: whole body diffusion 100000 ֏
Application of MRI contrast material 30000 ֏
Magnetic resonance imaging: 1 section: 21:00-09:00 (the cost of contrast material is not included) 40000 ֏
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 20000 ֏
Application of the HB determination test for Helicobacter pylori 5000 ֏
Duodenoscopy 25000 ֏
Colonoscopy 30000 ֏
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy: between 18:00 and 09:00 40000 ֏
Colonoscopy: between 18:00 and 09:00 50000 ֏
Hemostasis: injection endoscopically 50000 ֏
Endoscopic polypectomy "cold" in outpatient setting 60000 ֏
Endoscopic polypectomy with coagulation for polyps up to 2 cm in diameter 120000 ֏
Endoscopic polypectomy with coagulation for more than 5 polyps or larger than 2 cm in diameter 180000 ֏
Endoscopic foreign body removal 100000 ֏
Phytobezoar rupture with endoscopic 1 intervention 150000 ֏
Each additional phytobezoar rupture intervention in the outpatient setting 50000 ֏
Ligation of esophageal veins (the cost of the ligator kit is not included) 170000 ֏
Pneumoballoon cardiodilatation endoscopically (balloon cost not included) 200000 ֏
Esophageal stenting (cost of stent not included) 300000 ֏
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (the cost of the gastrostomy kit is not included) 300000 ֏
Cardiologist consultation package (including ECG and Echocardiography) 20000 ֏
Cardiologist consultation package (including ECG and Echocardiography) 20000 ֏
ECG: Electrocardiogram 3000 ֏
EchoSG: Echocardiography 15000 ֏
Treadmill test 15000 ֏
Holter ECG monitoring for 24 hours (around the clock) 20000 ֏
Electrical cardioversion 65000 ֏
Examination of a neuro-ophthalmologist 10000 ֏
Examination of a neuro-ophthalmologist 10000 ֏
Evoked Potentials 15000 ֏
Electroneuromyography: ENMG 20000 ֏
Electroencephalography: EEG 20000 ֏
Electroencephalography: EEG with sleep deprivation 30000 ֏
EEG - video monitoring - up to 16 hours (day, night) - adults 55000 ֏
EEG - 24-hour video monitoring of adults 75000 ֏
Spirometry 15000 ֏
Bronchoscopy 45000 ֏
Bronchoscopy with biopsy 50000 ֏
Primary ophthalmic examination and consultation of the patient, including any of the listed examinations, according to the doctor's order: visual acuity test, autorefractometry, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement - Maklakov method, ophthalmoscopy, examination of the pupil in conditions of mydriasis 10000 ֏
Primary ophthalmic examination and consultation of the patient, including any of the listed examinations, according to the doctor's order: visual acuity test, autorefractometry, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement - Maklakov method, ophthalmoscopy, examination of the pupil in conditions of mydriasis 10000 ֏
Determination of visual acuity 5000 ֏
Determining visual acuity, glasses choosing 8000 ֏
Measurement of intraocular pressure by the Maklakov method 3000 ֏
Intraocular pressure measurement (Icare) 5000 ֏
Autorefractokeratometry 5000 ֏
Determination of color perception 5000 ֏
Eye fundus picture, 1 eye 5000 ֏
Pachymetry: determination of corneal thickness in 2 eyes 5000 ֏
Determining the anteroposterior axis of the eye: biometry (A-scan) 5000 ֏
Ultrasound examination: 1 eye 6000 ֏
Ultrasound examination: 2 eyes 10000 ֏
Computer Perimetry: 1 eye 6000 ֏
Computer Perimetry: 2 eyes 10000 ֏
Examination of the eyeball in conditions of mydriasis 10000 ֏
Electrophysiological examination of the retina: electroretinography: ERG 10000 ֏
Retinal electrophysiological study: visual evoked potentials: VEP 10000 ֏
Anterior keratotopography, pachymetry: 2 eyes 15000 ֏
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) - 1 eye 20000 ֏
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) - 2 eyes 30000 ֏
Posterior lens capsule laser dissection in 1 eye 25000 ֏
A comprehensive set of ophthalmological examinations: visual acuity test, autorefractometry, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement, ophthalmoscopy, examination of the pupil in conditions of mydriasis, biomicroscopy and, if necessary, determination of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye - A-method, if necessary, ultrasound examination and/or computerized perimetry 25000 ֏
A set of pre-operative ophthalmological examinations: visual acuity test, autorefractometry, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement, ophthalmoscopy, pupil examination in mydriasis conditions, lens calculation, biomicroscopy, determination of the anterior axis of the eye - A-method and, if necessary, ultrasound examination 25000 ֏
Removal of pterygium, carnivorous nipple overgrowth, in 1 eye 80000 ֏
Reconstruction of the anterior part of the eye: reconstruction of the accessory eye apparatus and the anterior part of the eyeball 180000 ֏
Removal of a foreign body in the anterior segment of the eye on an outpatient basis 5000 ֏
Intraocular injections: Anti-VEGF 25000 ֏
Minor eye surgery 30000 ֏
Uroflowmetry 6000 ֏
Ureterography (Costs of X-ray examination and contrast material are not included) 15000 ֏
Audiometry 10000 ֏
Tympanometry 10000 ֏
Diagnostic fibrolaryngoscopy 10000 ֏
Ultrasound examination: 1 part: children (lymph nodes, soft tissues and subcutaneous formations, brain, transcranial, salivary gland, thyroid gland, breast, thymus, lung, pelvis, testicle) 10000 ֏
Ultrasound examination of the abdomen and small pelvic organs in children 15000 ֏
Echocardiography of children 15000 ֏
EEG: Electroencephalography of children 20000 ֏
EEG - video monitoring up to 16 hours (day, night) of children 30000 ֏
EEG - 24-hour video monitoring of children 75000 ֏
Puncture of the joint 15000 ֏
Lumbar puncture 30000 ֏
Pleural cavity puncture 50000 ֏
Pericardial puncture 100000 ֏
Histological examination of endoscopic bioptate 20000 ֏
Pathohistological examination 30000 ֏
Intraoperative histological emergency examination (Frozen Section) 35000 ֏
Histological examination of endoscopic bioptate 20000 ֏
Pathohistological examination 30000 ֏
Intraoperative histological emergency examination (Frozen Section) 35000 ֏
Chemotherapy: 1 course: 1 injection (the cost of chemotherapy drugs is not included) 80000 ֏
Chemotherapy: 1 course: 2 or more injections (the cost of chemotherapy drugs is not included) 120000 ֏
After chemotherapy, outpatient conservative treatment by a chemotherapist - 1 day's price 30000 ֏
Out-of-hospital one-time flushing of the infusion port system (Port-a-Cath) 5000 ֏
Preoperative Examination of the Anesthesiologist 20000 ֏
Preoperative Examination of the Anesthesiologist 20000 ֏
Intravenous anesthesia for gastroscopy and colonoscopy 20000 ֏
Intravenous anesthesia for outpatient or hospital examinations, surgical interventions 30000 ֏
Epidural or spinal anesthesia 40000 ֏
General anesthesia by inhalation method 60000 ֏
Vacuum massage 5000 ֏
Rehabilitation therapeutic kinesiotherapy for children: 1 session 7000 ֏
Rehabilitation therapeutic kinesiotherapy for adults: 1 session 10000 ֏
Speech therapy service: 1 session 10000 ֏
Hemodialysis: 1 session 70000 ֏
Plasmapheresis: 1 session - up to 1L 80000 ֏
During the plasmapheresis session, every next 1 L 40000 ֏
Consultation of an invited Medical Specialist 20000 ֏
Cost of 1 Night of a Separate Room of the "Comfort" Class 20000 ֏
Cost of 1 day of separate room of "Lux" class 35000 ֏
Cost of 1 night of a separate room of the “Lux” class for hospitalization of a member of the same family 10000 ֏
Erythrocyte mass 25000 ֏
Fresh Frozen Plasma 15000 ֏
Platelet Mass 8000 ֏
Erythrocyte Mass Washing 3000 ֏
Insulin 7000 ֏
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