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About us

The current polyclinic of the «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center was founded in 2004 as a result of the merger of the former «N14» adult polyclinic and «N5» children's polyclinic of Yerevan.

It is considered a large polyclinic, as it serves 100,000 or more populations, of which the children's population is about 22,000.

Doctors of general practice and narrow professional services, middle and junior medical personnel carry out their activities in the polyclinic.

Out-of-hospital medical care and service provided to the population within the framework of free medical care and service guaranteed by the state is carried out on the basis of legislative and sub-legislative legal normative acts regulated by the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Health and other departmental bodies.

The main units of the polyclinic are:

  1. Department of adults
  2. Children's department
  3. Department of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
  4. Children's psychiatric dispensary

The polyclinic provides the following services:

  1. Consultation with a primary health care provider:
  • Therapeutic
  • Pediatric
  1. Narrow professional advice:
  • Surgical
  • Ophthalmic
  • Cardiology
  • Neurological
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Oncological
  • Endocrinological
  • Dermatology
  • Physiatic
  • Epidemiological
  • Obstetric-gynecological
  • Urological
  • Rheumatological
  • Speech therapist
  • Child Psychiatry
  • Sports medicine
  • Physiotherapist
  • Massage
  1. Laboratory-instrumental researches.
  • Electrocardiography
  • Ultrasound examination (sonography)
  • X-ray examination
  • Autorefractometry
Polyclinic of the «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center (hereinafter referred to as Polyclinic) is considered one of the most important strategic infrastructures of the Medical Center. The direct management of the Polyclinic is carried out by the Director of the Polyclinic. The internal processes of the Polyclinic are regulated by the charter of the «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center, internal disciplinary rules, concepts, regulations, procedures, rules, standards, norms, standards, guidelines, algorithms and other documents fixed by the director's orders. Internal document circulation in the Polyclinic is carried out with the help of approved forms and formats. The polyclinic has a mission, vision, values, strategic goals, which are in line with the management policy of «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center and derive from its main directions and strategic goals. Chairs of various educational organizations are also available in the polyclinic. In the last 5 years, the digitization of processes has been consistently progressing, in particular, waiting lists, referrals, prescribing drugs, etc. At present, the works of the overhaul of the Polyclinic building and the complete improvement of the adjacent yard areas have started. On average, 800-1000 citizens are served in the polyclinic per day. Most of the pilot programs of reforms carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia are carried out in the polyclinic, after which they are introduced into the general health care system. The polyclinic is included in a number of national screening and epidemiological control programs.

Our goals

Within the framework of the reforms of the healthcare system of the Republic of Armenia, in accordance with the modern development requirements, the provision of high-quality specialized medical care and service services to the population, the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population through the implementation of the achievements of medical science and economic mechanisms. Quality implementation of the full cycle of medical services: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation is a priority for us.

Overhaul of all infrastructures of the Medical Center.
Re-equipment of all Units.
Comprehensive digitization of internal processes.
Upgrading existing services and introducing new services․
Continuous training of all staff and recruitment of new talent․
Strengthening international relations and increasing scientific potential․

Our Vision

To become one of the best polyclinics in the Republic of Armenia within the next five years.

Our Mission

Providing high-quality specialized medical care and services to every citizen of the Republic of Armenia.

Our Tasks

The strategic goals underlying the activities of the «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center arise from the mission and vision. Those goals correspond exclusively to the values and principles that also underlie the organizational culture. Our values and principles are transparency and reliability, professionalism and attentiveness, responsibility and hard work, self-criticism and availability of services, continuous education and development, scientific work and international recognition, the formation of a corporate culture and systems thinking. To achieve strategic goals, we have set ourselves the following tasks:
Overhaul of all infrastructures of the polyclinic.
Continuing education of patients and their family members․
Creation, maintenance and improvement of satisfactory working conditions by constant training of highly qualified professionals and staff and involvement in quality management processes.
Acquisition of modern medical equipment, use of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Implementation of the management system and medical quality control in accordance with the requirements of the international standards․
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