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Medical Cosmetology


Education Offered

Based on secondary education — 2 years

Based on basic education — 3 years

Admission: by general criteria — exam in the subject of "Biology."

The education is conducted in Armenian, in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards, in appropriate classrooms and laboratories, with experienced faculty members, and with sufficient material and technical resources.

Practical training takes place in the professional offices and departments of the "Saint Grigor Lusavorich" Hospital and collaborating organizations.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma with an annex.


A qualified specialist performs the following activities:

  • Nurse/Medical cosmetologist (medical and preventive institution, beauty salon)
  • Makeup artist (beauty salon)
  • Massage therapist (medical and preventive institutions, beauty salon)
  • Hair removal specialist (medical and preventive institutions, beauty salon)
  • Manicurist (beauty salon)

The specialist is capable of performing the following duties:

  • Analyzing the situation and making decisions within the scope of their professional authority and competence.
  • Adhering to hygiene standards.
  • Mastering communication skills and modern service methods.
  • Managing documentation for medical cosmetology services.
  • Using necessary medical and cosmetological equipment.
  • Mastering the technology, storage, and usage rules for cosmetic materials and preparations.
  • Performing basic types of physiotherapy procedures.
  • Ensuring the maintenance, use, timely repair, and decommissioning of medical cosmetology equipment.
  • Providing first aid in emergency situations.
  • Performing makeup, hand and foot nail care, and epilation.
  • Performing cosmetic care for eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial contour correction.
  • Performing massages.
  • Enhancing professional knowledge, skills, and abilities.
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