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Blood Bank and Transfusiology Service

The Blood Bank and Тransfusiology service of «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Center is fully equipped with new and ultra-modern German «LMB» brand equipment.

The Conor center works in accordance with all international standards.

Donor blood goes through all stages of screening, processing and technical settings, is stored in appropriate refrigerators at the required temperature.

The Blood Bank has:

  • Donor blood collection mixing scale "BAGAMATIK NOVO-LS"
  • Donor blood components centrifugation device: "HERMLW ZK496"
  • Donor blood component separation device: "LUXOmatik V2"
  • Refrigerators and freezers for the storage of donor blood components: "BIOBASE"

A potential donor approaches a blood bank, fills out a medical questionnaire, receives a doctor's consultation, and only in case of a positive conclusion of all this, the necessary laboratory examination is subsequently passed.

The following ingredients are prepared in the blood bank:

  • Erythrocyte mass
  • Washed erythrocyte mass
  • Fresh frozen plasma
  • Platelet mass

Donating blood saves lives, join to save!

Our specialist

Ashkhen Hayrapetyan Head of Blood Bank and Transfusiology Service More
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