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Laboratory Department

The Laboratory Department of the «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» Medical Centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The laboratory is equipped with the world's advanced equipment, LIMS system has been implemented that enables to optimize the entire workflow, minimize human inaccuracy and increase accuracy and reliability of carried out tests.

In the laboratory the following researches are performed:

  •  Biochemical
  •  Immunological
  •  Hematological
  •  Haemostasias
  •  Microbiological
  •  Serological

Biochemical laboratory:

Biochemical studies of whole blood, serum, plasma, urine, liquor, pleural and other vital fluids are carried out on a Cobas INTEGRA 400 plus analyzer.

Acid-base balance of the blood is carried out with the help of the Cobas b221 analyzer, which is designed to test gases, CO-oximetry, electrolytes, metabolites in whole blood, serum, plasma, dialysis solutions containing acetate and bicarbonate, and pleural fluid.

The Roche 9180 analyzer is designed for the determination of electrolytes in blood and urine.

Blood coagulation tests are carried out on the fully automated analyzer STA Compact Max3 of STAGO company by VBDS method (Viscosity-Based (Mechanical) Detection System) based on viscosity.

The results obtained by this method are stable to the following changes:

  •  Colored plasma
  •  Hemolyzed plasma
  •  Lipemic plasma
  •  Jaundiced plasma
  •  Cloudy reactant

Immunological laboratory:

Studies are carried out on analyzers "Cobas e411 and Maglumi800 analyzers. Biomaterial can include blood, urine, saliva. With these analyzers test for troponin, a wide range of hormones, antibodies and antigens to viruses, cancer markers, pregnancy screening tests. etc. can be tested. 

Serological laboratory:

The company Orto presents ID cards, which use gel technology, to provide studies. A wide range of tests are carried out including:

  • Human blood group systems
  • Rh factor
  • ABO compatibility
  • Phenotype, etc.

General Clinical Laboratory:

General clinical blood analysis is carried out on analyzer "Sysmex XN-350", which reports 26 parameters. General urine examination is carried out on the analyzer "Dirui H-100", which displays 10 parameters. The laboratory also performs microscopic examination of. cerebrospinal fluid, urogenital smear, urine, faeces.

Microbiological laboratory:

Researches are carried out on automatic Bact/Alert 3D and Vitec 2 Compact analyzers. Microbiological examination of all biological fluids and determination of drug sensitivity can be preferred at this lab department.

Our specialist

Ashkhen Hayrapetyan Head of Laboratory Department More
Manush Simonyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Astghik Harutyunyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Inessa Minasyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Ani Karoyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Hasmik Harutyunyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Nune Jamalyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Hasmik Arzumanyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
Anna Sahakyan Laboratory Technician Doctor More
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